Developing Sustainable Urban Habitat

Through Education & Community Improvement

We preserve our connection with nature through outreach, education and habitat restoration.

Some of the greatest Human cities on Earth are considered biological monocultures. Here in San Diego California our biodiversity is the richest in the United States and no wonder because we also enjoy one of the best climates on the planet. Unfortunately within our urban sprawl the natural diversity of our pollinator and bird species is diminishing rapidly. We at Caterpillar Chow Habitat Farms understand the reasons and we are committed to helping maintain and enrich the biological health of our civilization by showing you how to maintain ties to nature in the concrete jungle and beyond. Together we can plant better public gardens and educate our children with hands-on access to the wonderful world of nature and by providing access to the skills needed to recreate it for themselves.

Pollinator & Habitat Education

Accessibility to nature is for everyone and CCHF doesn’t just have in-class events we also have a working Student Farm complete with an accessible student greenhouse! We tailor lessons to teacher’s and students and collaborate with organizations and groups to provide quality experiences with a proven curriculum and activity filled lessons.

Help keep nature close to home.

Ready to take the next step? You can become a member and enjoy perks and benefits, or come work on the farm as a volunteer! Every little bit goes a long way and the rewards are tangible with CCHF as we plant gardens and bring nature closer to home with every plant.